Aside from creating armatures, during the 3D workshops we were set the task of depicting the transformation of a plasticine shape into another shape, in ten stages. I chose to show a sphere melt into a plasticine puddle, as often happens in morph sketches.
Despite the apparent simplicity of my chosen shapes, there were hidden complexities, predominantly that the 'puddle' needed to spread in the right direction for each stage. Once I had achieved this with each separate model, it was important that they were lined up correctly to be photographed, for the sake of consistency and continuity. To help in this respect, I drew an outline around each plasticine shape as I photographed it, so that the next could be placed in the closest possible position.
As one of my first forays into claymation, it is not exactly creative, but I am pleased with the result, and enjoyed working in this medium.
The entire plasticine sequence. |
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