Sunday 3 November 2013


        While browsing through Short of the Week, I came across Carn by Jeff Le Bars. Initially, I wasn't sure that I'd like it, as the 2D animation seemed a little flat and without much detail. This was not the case.
        The dramatic silhouettes are enhanced by subtle colour variations which give the illusion of texture. Particularly with the wolf, the outline is not silhouette sharp when she is in close up; instead there is delicate feathering between the body and background, making her fur look thick and plush. The pattern of the speckled snow on the boy's hat also conveys it's furry texture well.
        The strong yet sparse style allows Le Bars' animation to be the main focus, as the delicate movements are not overshadowed. The way in which simple shapes and block colours are combined to create an image with greater depth mirrors the unembellished yet affecting story of trust and betrayal.

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