Wednesday 6 November 2013

Love- Further Development

        Once I had made the decision to go with my idea for 'love' using just hands, I began to storyboard my grand vision. Although this storyboard shows the frames in a square format, they will actually be closer to 16:9 ratio, so I will have to consider what else will be in shot. The nature of my idea means that most shots will be relatively close up.

        Other areas of consideration are the type of hands that I will use. This will have a major impact on the story, as the appearance of the hands will influence how the audience sees them as characters, and may also alter the message of the sequence. For example, using both male/female hands might give the film a more political undercurrent than using one of each gender. Similarly, age, skin colour, tattoos and jewellery could drastically adjust the meaning.
        I have settled on the use of one real hand (female) and an artist's mannequin hand (male). The story that I hope this will depict is the desire of the wooden hand to be real and find a loving relationship, sort of like a romantic Pinocchio. As such, there is a dream like, fantastical slant to my idea, and all the scenarios should be accordingly 'perfect'. To further emphasise this idea the lighting should be soft and warm where possible and the locations should be cosy and homely. 
        Now that all the decisions have been made, all that remains is to shoot it! 

        Oh, and one final note. To avoid the problems timing and spacing issues I had with my first attempt at pixilation I will be using this guide as a reference throughout the photography stage:

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