Sunday 28 December 2014

Study Task 3 - Strike a Pose

        Study Task 3 required us to choose 5 emotions from a given list, photographing ourselves in poses which communicate these emotions, and finally using these photos as reference images for positioning Moom.

        I had already begun this study task before my interim crit presentation, but after the feedback I received on incorporating more exaggeration into Moom's poses I decided to revisit the emotions I had already completed and rework them. Rather than just look at Moom from the angle shown in the photograph, I found it useful to rotate the character as I worked, to avoid having to make major alterations later on. This helped to ensure that the pose would look good from any angle.      

        As I have already mentioned, I am not a natural performer, and was consequently a little uncomfortable posing for the reference images, meaning my poses were not as strong as perhaps they could have been. So, rather than stick rigidly to the poses I had assumed for the photographs, there were occasions where I felt the emotion could be better conveyed by modifying the pose, even if it would not be physically possible for a real person to hold that pose. A prime example of this is in the 'anticipation' pose, where Moom leans forward at an angle it would be impossible for him to sustain without falling over. However, bending the rules of gravity, physics and anatomy is what helps make animation such an effective communicator of mood, tone and emotion. 

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