Wednesday 4 March 2015

Food for Thought - Additional Thoughts

        As I was beginning to feel quite overwhelmed by this project, and the fact that we don't yet have a concrete narrative idea, with the pitch only a few days away, I felt I needed to discuss with my tutor how we could address these concerns.

        Both Fiona and I are quite ambitious (not to mention perfectionists) when it comes to the construction of characters, sets and props, which is probably why we got carried away with these aspects of the project, rather then the writing process. Consequently, I feel we would be better off keeping the story and animation fairly minimal, allowing ourselves more time to focus on producing beautiful puppets and sets. At the moment, some of our ideas are too ambitious, and I am very worried that we simply won't have the time to complete our animation.

         Fortunately, our tutor recognised these concerns, and has suggested ways in which we might prevent our animation spiraling out of control. She even suggested that we could potentially treat our set as a diarama, with the puppets in a single pose, and move the camera through the predominantly still set with the possibility to incorporate minimal animation. This would certainly emphasise the eerie, grim atmosphere we were aiming for, and allow us more time to focus on the modelling and constructing.

        This is an interesting concept, and something we should bear in mind once we discover how much work is involved in creating our miniature abattoir.

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