Sunday 9 November 2014

Interim Crit

        Due to my aforementioned trouble with performing in front of my classmates, I was apprehensive about presenting my development work, particularly the video reference. However, after discussing these reservations with my tutor, I realised that it was not the actual video that was important, but the fact that I had developed a performance and considered how it could be applied to the Moom character. So rather than include the video in my presentation, I chose to use the series of screen shots from the recording which show the key frames/most extreme poses, and convey the essence of the performance.

        To demonstrate that I had then gone on to consider how Moom might assume these positions, I used some of the stills as references for posing Moom.

        Despite being nervous about the interim crit, I feel that my presentation as quite successful. I was happy that I had included a comprehensive overview of how my ideas had developed, and demonstrated how I had reached my final decisions.

        The response from my class was also quite positive which boosted my confidence slightly. However, some of the feedback was that I could afford to include even mor exaggeration when applying my poses to Moom. Although I had already exaggerated some of the shapes from the photograph, I can see that there is room to make some areas more extreme, particularly the curve of the spine. What I need to bear in mind is to constantly urn the character in Maya and look at a pose from all angles, not just how I see it in the photograph.  

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