Sunday 9 November 2014

Storyboard & Animatic

        Whilst recording my video footage I found that I had tried to include far too much in my rough storyboard, and my initial takes far outran the length of the lyrics, no matter how many pauses I tried to include. In the end, some drastic editing was required to streamline the sequence. To choose which poses would make the final cut I looked at which would be the most relevant to the lyrics, or which would be the first/most natural searching gestures a person would perform.

        Once I had recorded a reference video that I was (relatively) satisfied with I could then draw out my final storyboard. Despite having the above sequence of stills which could have served as a storyboard, I felt I needed to draw it out with, so that I could begin to understand how Moom might fit into these poses, and also so that any added frames (over the shoulder POV shots of the arrow) or changed angles (close ups) wouldn't jar with the video frames.

        I also felt that an animatic would still be an invaluable tool despite having the video reference, as some of the timings from the video needed slight adjustments, either where new camera angles needed including or I had performed too slowly. The animatic also allowed me to see how the audio would fit with the visual, as in the end I was unable to project the lyrics while recording my performance. Consequently I recorded the audio separately. I still wish to further work on my voice performance, to get the inflection right, as well as create more ambient sounds, but as a mock up of how the lyrics will fit the animation my initial audio recording will suffice.

        My intention with the audio is to create a contrast with the frantic/agitated actions by keeping the tone of voice relatively collected and peaceful. Hopefully this will suggest Cupid Moom's struggle to remain calm and refrain from panicking in the even of loosing love (his arrow).

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