Friday 13 February 2015

Food For Thought - Collaboration and Initial Ideas

        As I wanted to use this module as an opportunity to gain further experience of stop motion, my prime area of creative interest, due to the sheer volume of work that would potentially be involved, I judged that it would be most sensible to collaborate. Prior to the module briefing we had been made aware that we may be working in groups, so I had already been in conversation with a number of possible collaborators who were also interested in stop motion.

        After being informed that we could still pursue individual projects, some of these potential collaborators chose to work alone, drafting in co operative assistance. Fortunately, Fiona was still interested in working collaboratively, and we had fairly similar ideas about the tone and subject we wished to use for this animation: something dark, possibly concerning butchery or slaughterhouses. 

        There has certainly been a fair amount of news coverage on this topic recently, from the on going implications of the horse meat scandal, to more recent allegations of widespread animal cruelty in the meat industry. These would be prime topics for an animated documentary, which excels at shining a light on difficult (either as they are sensitive or potentially offensive, statistics heavy, or just too microscopic to visualise) subjects.

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