Friday 15 May 2015

Marketing & Distribution Material

        In the event that we submit this animation (or any other film for that matter) to a festival, chances are we will be required to proved a range of marketing material to help promote our work. To get into the habit of good practice, we are required to produce a poster, logline, summary, crew biographies and a DVD case alongside our film.

        While Fiona took charge of designing the poster and accompanying DVD case, I took responsibility for the written material.


An abattoir worker speaks frankly about the hidden cruelty and mistreatment present in the dark underbelly of the meat industry.


Inspired by the interviews conducted by Gail A. Eisnitz in Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect and Inhumane Treatment Inside the US Meat IndustryIgnorance is Bliss is a short film combining video and puppetry, which depicts the shocking cruelty and mistreatment witnessed by just one worker in the American meat industry. Under pressure from management to place the quality of the meat above the welfare of the animals, an abattoir worker’s concerns about the unnecessary suffering are swept under the carpet.

His experiences are not isolated. Similar stories have been reported from abattoirs worldwide, from the UK to Australia and the USA. Animals are beaten, kicked, whipped, tormented and improperly stunned on a regular basis. Ignorance is Bliss aims to shine a light on the practices of an industry that remains largely behind closed doors, and encourage the public to be aware of how their meat is produced, and source from ethical butchers.

Crew Biographies:

 Anna Denison is an artist and animator specialising in character design and the production of puppets, models and props for stop motion animations.

Fiona Stuart-Clark is a writer and animator, who specialises in narrative development and storyboarding for animation, and has a interest in set design.

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