Tuesday 29 April 2014

Cast & Credits

        One of the key features of a title sequence is undoubtedly that it includes the names and roles of key cast and crew members, whether at the beginning or end of a feature. So, one of the more unexpected tasks in this project was deciding who should star in and direct my imaginary film. Once these decisions had been made, I chose to undertake some research as to how long each name should appear on screen, to give the viewer a fair chance of reading it.
        The answers were variable, as in some cases the director and lead actors appear on screen than more minor cast members, while multiple names appearing together are sometimes given not much more screen time than individual names. In general, two seconds seems plenty of time to read cast and crew credits, particularly as my sequence is only 40 seconds long, while the title should be given 4 seconds at maximum legibility. 

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