Monday 28 April 2014

To Paint Digitally Or By Hand?

        Before committing to hand drawing the entire 40 second animation, I felt it would be sensible to not only test my drawing style, but also how productive I would be. Below is a two second snippet, which I managed to complete in an afternoon. Based on this work rate, I believe I should be able to finish the hand drawn elements in good time.

        The next decision is whether to colour each frame in digitally, using Photoshop and a graphics tablet, or to paint it by hand. While I have seen some of my classmates produce incredibly detailed and in depth work digitally, it is not something I have much experience with. To remedy this I have had a few attempts using the tablet, but even were I to get used to drawing digitally, I don't feel that I have adequate time to learn how to create depth and texture using Photoshop on top of an already demanding work load. So, on this occasion, I have chosen to work within my comfort zone, using paints, inks and pencils, and devote time over the summer to learning how to pant digitally.

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