Tuesday 1 April 2014

Family Tree

        Taking my cue from The Game of Thrones and its educational globe trotting around the fictional realms in which the story is set, I have chosen to use a family tree as the centrepiece of The Sunne in Splendour title sequence. I began by looking at the family tree provided in the novel.

        As you can see, this tree is quite busy, and incorporates family branches that figure in the novel but are perhaps not so significant to the backstory of the wars. At any rate, their significance is explained within the actual plot, so in order to simplify the tree and make it more accessible to an audience I think that it would be sensible to remove the Neville faction from the tree and simplify it down to the houses of York and Lancaster, allowing the depiction of the divide to be as clear and uncomplicated as possible, before introducing even more characters.

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