Tuesday 1 April 2014

Sunne In Splendour Story Board & Animatic

        Having decided that the best purpose for my title sequence would be as an introduction to the integral conflict and central characters, the next stage was to develop a story board. I took inspiration from classic Disney films, such as Sleeping Beauty, which often begin with an opening storybook, by way of an introduction. Rather than a storybook, the title sequence will begin with a history tome opening upon the family tree, which is then ripped apart by rose stems, visually demonstrating the family divide of the Wars of  the Roses.

        Although developing an animatic from the storyboard was a difficult task, as figuring out the optimum timings for each shot is something that I struggle with, I find the animatic an invaluable tool during production, as it helps me plan, particularly with pose to pose animation, as I can plot where each frame should come.

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