Tuesday 29 April 2014


        Having decided not to use a graphics tablet, as I didn't feel comfortable I had enough time remaining to develop my skills to a competent level, I used watercolour and gold emulsion paint for much of my animation. In retrospect, this may not have been the best medium to choose, as it was not always possible to get the richness of colour seen in medieval illuminations and paintings, and the paint was not absorbed by the animation paper, so consequently in some areas the colour began to flake off. While I had not aimed for completely consistent colour, this unfortunately led to an increased level of 'flickering' when the frames were scanned in and assembled, particularly with the opening book.
Watercolour was not the best choice for the rich colour of  leather bound tome.
        The watercolour was better suited to the roses and vines, some of which I painted onto cartridge paper before digitally trimming and overlaying with the line drawings. This may have been a more suitable approach to take with the book sequence, and may have resulted in less discrepancy between the animated objects and their backgrounds. 

One of the hand painted frames from the flowering rose sequence.

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