Monday 20 April 2015

Qwertee - Campaign

        After a somewhat uncomfortable wait, I am pleased to announce that all 5 of my designs were accepted and are now live for voting on Qwertee's website. 

        An important part of submitting work to Qwertee is campaigning for your designs via social media, doing everything you can to garner more votes. Unfortunately, I do not spend much time on either Facebook, Twitter or any other such sites, so am at a bit of a disadvantage, as I do not have hundreds of connections I can galvanise into voting. Nevertheless, I needed to everything possible to draw as much attention to my work as possible.

        However, it was heartening to see that my designs had already gotten a few votes before I began requesting support. It is always encouraging to see evidence that others appreciate your work. As I suspected, the designs featuring Toothless, are proving to be the most popular, but the others are not far behind. 

        I now have two weeks to get as many votes as possible for my shirts.

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