Wednesday 22 April 2015

Yorkshire Tea - Brief Analysis

        I selected Yorkshire Tea's 'product innovation' brief as another individual practice project. Despite ostensibly appearing to be a product design brief, the final outcome is fairly flexible, with the brief explaining it could be anything from a simple design tweak, to a new packaging design, or even something as abstract as a new drinking experience. Perhaps I could design and knit a tea cosy?

        Although the brief expresses a desire to attract a new, younger demographic to the Yorkshire Tea flock, I am of the opinion that any innovation should not deviate too far from the brand's traditional, nostalgic image. The tranquil, bucolic and idyllic images of Yorkshire country life is, in my opinion an integral part of Yorkshire Tea. It would just not sit well to introduce bright, bold colours and abstract designs. Any change must remain true to the spirit of the brand.

What Problem is identified by the brief?
Although one of the most popular and dominant brands of tea currently available on the market, Yorkshire Tea believes that the consumption of 'mainstream black tea' is on the decline, with customers buying less tea by volume and often choosing to switch to coffee.
What is the brief asking you to do about it?
The brief is asking for a product innovation, not an advertising or marketing campaign, which will engage with younger consumers. This product innovation could be anything from new packaging, a new drinking experience, or even a 'simple design tweak'. Packaging, format, occasion and usage could all be explored within this brief.
What is the brief trying to achieve?
Ultimately, Yorkshire Tea is looking to reinvigorate the tea drinking public via a product innovation which will serve as a reminder of just how good a 'proper brew' can be. The band wishes to maintain its strong position in the market, and also attract a new generation of customers. 
Who will benefit?
The main beneficiaries are Yorkshire Tea themselves, as if my the product innovation is successful, it should attract more custom for the brand. It could also be argued that the tea drinking public will also benefit, if they are introduced to Yorkshire Tea for the first time and find it truly is a 'proper brew'. As I am not a tea drinker myself, I could not comment on the quality of the product.
What is the message?
Yorkshire Tea's core value is that of a 'proper brew' - tea with great taste and done properly. In short, a high quality, reliable product. They wish their brand, from its product to its packaging, to reflect Yorkshire honesty and integrity.
Who is the audience?
Yorkshire Tea currently caters to a very broad audience, ranging in age from 35 to 55+, with an even divide between male and female consumers. However, they are keen to engage with a younger demographic, between 18-35 years old
How will the message be delivered?
I aim to communicate the brand's message through a new packaging design. This design will not be radically different from the brands current packaging, which through its use of pastoral and idyllic Yorkshire scenes effectively communicates the brand's position of honesty and integrity, as well as celebrates the roots of both the product and the company. However, I feel that there are changes which can be made which would not only attract a younger audience, but also reinvigorate the brand.
Can you foresee any problems in responding to the brief?
In a brief that asks for innovation, yet also desires to stay true to the brand's honest and traditional image, it may be tricky to innovate when only making 'simple design tweaks'. 

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