Wednesday 22 April 2015

WWF - Finished Slides & Submission

        After much discussion, and a few last minute details had been attended to (we weren't allowed to put our names on the slides for submission, checking for any final typos or awkward grammar) we were finally satisfied that our entry was ready to submit.

        The final task was to pick a name for our project (a submission requirement). Neither of us had any ideas, as we had not been required to name our YCN submissions. However, remembering a comment from our informal pitch that cliches can be good, and 'the cheesier the better', we decided to name it The Apple of Our Life, in reference to the Earth's importance to life. 

        Although the brief only requires the presentation slides to be submitted (any supporting material will only be viewed if the slides themselves impress the judges) we had noticed that another collaborative pair who had also worked on WWF had submitted a brief explanatory slide. We decided that this was a good idea, so I wrote a brief summary of our approach and reasoning behind the project, while Rebecca assembled it into one last board.

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