Monday 20 April 2015

Qwertee - Dragon Master/Dragon Mother

        Bearing in mind the prominence of fan art on Qwertee, I decided to begin with a design which combined two separate fandoms: Game of Thrones and How To Train Your Dragon. The inspiration for this design came simply from the similarity between the character nicknames 'Mother of Dragons' and 'Dragon Master'. While Qwertee boasts a fair few designs related to both worlds, Dragons also seem to be an eternally popular motif. So, why not combine three themes which are popular in their own right in the hope of boosting votes?

        I had originally intended to portray both characters, Hiccup and Daenerys, together with their respective dragons. After inspecting the t shirt mock up kit available from Qwertee it became apparent that this would require the design to be quite small, so I instead opted to create two separate designs which could still be seen as a pair.

        One of my main concerns about the Qwertee brief is that all of the artist resources provided relate to digital painting, and sketching using Photoshop. I want my designs to reflect my own individual style, which is hand drawn using pen and inks, not a graphics tablet. Yet this does not necessarily mean that hand drawn/painted designs are not appropriate. I only hope that the level of detail and fineness of the line will not be lost. Depicting the two characters in my own style will also help minimise the disparity between the two aesthetics.

I enlarged Daenerys' eye, so that it bore a
closer resemblance to Hiccup's.
        I had initially considered using watercolours and inks to colour the characters, while I was still intending to combine them in to one design. However, in the past this has led to some of the carefully drawn detail to be lost. The 5 to 6 colour limit (depending on the colour of the t shirt) would also have been quite restrictive. As I was fairly happy with the line drawings, I decided not to colour them fully, but rather add small accents of colour in areas such as the eyes, and use a white t shirt to maintain the sketchy aesthetic.

        Once I had scanned in the drawings it became apparent that they would require some slight alteration to make the lines more defined. I am quite pleased with the results. Perhaps in the future, once I have had the chance to experiment with digital painting I will re-imagine these designs in colour. Thinking wishfully, perhaps their distinct style will help them stand out?

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