Monday 20 April 2015

Qwertee - Stark Baratheon Lannister

        My fourth design is another combination of two separate fictional worlds, this time Disney and Game of Thrones. Disney has, in its decades creating immensely popular animations, had occasion to design and create many animal characters, animals which are also used as the house sigils in the popular fantasy series. It was my intention to create a design based around the symbols of the four main houses, using Disney-esque visions of the animals: a wolf for the Starks, a stag for the Baratheons, a lion for the Lannisters, and a dragon for the Targaryens. 

        While it was easy to find examples in Disney's back catalogue of the first three animals, which would sit well alongside one another, the studio has fewer examples of dragons. The best example is found in Sleeping Beauty but none of the others were suitable. I eventually decided to abandon the Dragon, and focus instead upon the three houses which are warring with one another over the throne.

        It did occur to me that this design would benefit from the addition of colour to further emphasise the connection between the style and theme (the animals could have been coloured in the appropriate house colour scheme), but again the limit on the number of colours allowed, my inexperience with digital painting and non existent knowledge of half tones held me back, as I couldn't spare the time to learn due to the pressure to complete other briefs as well.

        As an alternative I considered adding in the crown over which these three characters are fighting, but as I attempted to sketch it, the crown became over complicated and messy. On the small scale it would be depicted at it would most likely stop being recognisable as a crown, and its absence is no great detriment. I am also hoping that the audience at who this design is aimed will appreciate the connection regardless.

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