Sunday 16 March 2014


        Many of Pixar's films have stylized environments which match the predominant themes of the films, such as the retro, angular cities of The Incredibles, the toy box world of Toy Story and its sequels, or the recognisable videogame set ups of Wreck It Ralph. What these films also have in common is that they are largely set in urban worlds.

        Brave differentiates from this pattern. Its depiction of an ancient Scotland is akin to the beautiful seascapes of Finding Nemo; highly realistic, magical and evocative of an unfamiliar world. The lush forests of the Scottish highlands are brought to life through the use of sweeping camera movements and long shots which reflect Merida's free spirit and love of independence, and through the vibrant yet naturalistic colour palette full of verdant greens. However, through a slight change to the light these landscapes are transformed into menacing woods reminiscent of traditional Disney films such as Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.   

        The two above images are good examples of how similar landscapes can convey contrasting moods and atmospheres with only a few minor changes. The de-saturated colours and fog enshrouded landscape of the second image contribute perfectly to the unsettling, imposing and generally perilous scene. Yet when you look closely, you can see that the composition of each image is remarkably similar; both are set in woodland, with boulders and tree roots littering the floor; but the addition of greenery and soft, yellow lighting to the first image result in an infinitely warmer, more inviting scene.       


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