Tuesday 18 March 2014


        The final part of the Set, Series, sequence brief was to take the series of eight images and use these as the basis for a narrative sequence. I chose to create a storyboard, based around a dystopian society centred around clocks, which I feel suits the grim, monotone style that I have developed in the previous two parts of the brief. To match the colour scheme, I wanted the characters to be similarly grey, with harsh angular features, as though they have lost their vivacity.
        I enjoyed the fact that we were allowed to develop a narrative for this image sequence, as I am often able to find greater inspiration when I can imagine a story behind it. To emphasise the oppressive nature of the narrative, I used extreme high and low angle frames to accentuate the height of the clock tower, which acts as a controlling presence, and also to show the insignificance of the lowly workers below. By placing at least one clock in every scene (although not every shot) I hoped to place this usually innocuous object as a 'Big Brother' like face of totalitarianism.

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