Tuesday 18 March 2014

Set, Series, Sequence

        For our first Visual Language project, each person in the class was given a word at random, and tasked to draw a set of thirty two different interpretations of that word, exploring its various meanings and connotations through different media, mark making and drawing styles. Some of these words seemed to lend themselves more readily to this task, such as 'fly', as they have numerous meanings, definitions and potential.

        The word I was given was 'clock', which unfortunately doesn't have that many alternative meanings. Aside from a time clock, I could think of dandelion clock and the verb 'to clock', meaning hit or notice, which unfortunately made it quite difficult to come up with thirty two pictures. Consequently, I had to use a few turns of phrase as inspiration, including body clock, biological clock and time out. Of the three parts to this task, this was undoubtedly the most strenuous, demanding and patience trying, but in retrospect I can see how it helped me develop ideas for the subsequent elements which may not have occurred to me otherwise.

        Of all these different concepts, I had to choose just one to develop further, and the one that stood out to me was the image of a Big Ben style clock tower looming over people's lives.

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