Tuesday 18 March 2014


        I haven't really been using my sketchbook as much as I feel that I should have for work outside of our set modules and study tasks. In part, this is due to the fact that aside from drawing and sketching, when I have some free time I like to knit and embroider as well.
        Of the drawings I have done in my own time, the vast majority are in pen and Indian ink maybe with a splash of watercolour, materials which I discovered on my foundation degree worked well with my style, and consequently I feel comfortable with. However, I feel that maybe I should be a little more experimental, and try out different styles and mediums.

Some pieces of work from the beginning of the year. I do not feel that I have been as experimental with other media as I should have been.
         Also, in the future, I am going to make more of a effort to make observational drawings when I am out and about in different locations. Hopefully, this should help me to build up a library of ideas and reference materials for future projects, as well as help to develop my drawing skills in tandem with my set college work.

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