Tuesday 18 March 2014

Series Sequence

        After the frustration of milking every possible meaning out of 'clock', the next stage to the task was comparatively simple; expanding idea behind the one chosen image from the set of thirty two into a series of eight.
        My chosen image (the domineering clock tower) suggested a dystopian vision of a world dominated by time and clocks; think 1984 except with Big Brother replaced by Big Ben. To communicate this idea, I explored using ink, watercolour and pens to create a murky, grimy atmosphere. The original from the 32 set was drawn using a thick graphite stick, but for small scale drawings I find graphite too messy, as it smudges so easily, whereas ink and watercolour are set once they dry, and spread in a natural smog like pattern when applied to wet paper. 

        Using fine pens also allowed me to add finer details, such as architectural lines and facial expressions , which may have been lost with the use of graphite, which is better in my experience for broader strokes.

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