Tuesday 18 March 2014

Sound Effect Animations

        Having realised visual representations of my 10 chosen sounds, I was able to begin animating them. Unlike the single images, the animation would be able to depict how the sound developed and changed throughout its duration. The sound file could also be incorporated as a soundtrack, so even if the subjective visuals do not suggest 'frying egg', 'gelignite' or 'electric spark' to everyone, the audio could support the visualisation.

        Animating to sound also provided a strong frame of reference. By listening to the sound file, and noting down the times at which the audio changes tone or pitch, or new notes emerge, I was able to figure out where the key frames should lie, and build a structure to animate around, which I found extremely helpful. The synchronisation of audio and visual strengthen the visual responses, allowing others to accept the abstract depictions, even if this is not how they would have represented the sound effects.

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