Sunday 9 March 2014

Spinning Falcon

        The object I selected to animate a rotation for is a taxidermy falcon, mainly because if I am going to be doing 12 observational drawings, I wanted it to be of something which I was interested in and would enjoy looking at for a prolonged period of time. Also, I have always found birds very challenging to draw, as despite their deceptively simple body shape their is an elegance and grace which is difficult to achieve.
        This draft is made up of the rough pencil sketches. Before further working on the images, I wanted to make sure that they lined up correctly as an image sequence, without dancing around on the page. I was concerned this would be an issue, as keeping the bird centralised around a pivot point, and maintaining the same height and angle when drawing was as much an issue as sketching the right shape. It would perhaps have been a wiser idea to use a ceramics turntable to spin the falcon, rather than turn it on a chart I had mapped out on paper. Yet despite these small problems, I am pleased with the overall outcome and can now decide how to finish the images.

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