Tuesday 18 March 2014

Life Drawing

        I have only done a little life drawing before, on my foundation degree, and mostly involving longer, more in depth poses, with briefer ones being used for warm up exercises. So, our final Visual Language brief which required us to complete sequences of poses lasting 5-20 seconds each, with only this short amount of time to capture the essence of the pose, was definitely challenging.
        Aside from accepting that in this time frame I would not be able to produce an image that I would be satisfied with, I found that 10 seconds was barely enough time to look at the pose, without then having to draw it as well. However, this exercise was good for me, as I often feel I take too much time over my work; working in a looser more gestural style may be an interesting departure.


         After the very quick exercises, there were also two longer tasks, requiring us to draw a number of 5-10 minute and 20-30 minute poses. The former was intended to depict a figure pushing or pulling, with a focus on the weight and power distribution, and the latter a more traditional life drawing task. These were definitely more in my comfort zone, but after the quicker tasks, I found I was able to make broad marks capturing the shapes and angles of the figures before working on finer details, rather than working meticulously on one specific area and running out of time.



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